Letters he wrote - letters he received
Collected by Master Erestor, with friendly support of Lord Glorfindel and two bottles of Miruvor
(breakfast not included)

Master Erestor's note: it might make sense to read the previous letter first - though this is a stand-alone, some of Lord Elrond's remarks make more sense if you know what his dearly loved twins have been up to lately ...

My dear sons

I received your last letter and am most delighted you enjoy your holidays with your grandparents. I lack words to describe my feelings when I read about your adventures ... I'm confident, though, that I will know what to say once you are back here in Rivendell.

On another matter: while I really appreciate your efforts to improve the financial situation of our realm, I'd highly welcome it if you'd discuss your ... public relation activities with me first.

Elrohir, light of my old age, I understand you are the artist responsible for this poster?

And Elladan, you apple of my eye: I'd be most grateful if you could ellaborate to your poor old father what drove you to stick this - result of your brother's overboarding creativity on every single Mallorn tree in Lorien.

I'm even more curious to hear, though, why you two felt it was necessary to cover every single inch of King Thranduil's talan with these posters - including windows and door, I have to add - which forced him to cut his way out in the morning with a nail clipper. I received a message from him this morning - let me put it like this: neither you nor me will be invited for dinner over in Mirkwood any time soon.

Still, I could live with Thranduil's wrath. After all, I've done so for the last couple of millenia, nothing new here.

Your idea to turn Rivendell into a hotel is absurd, but forgivable.

I won't even mention what you've done to your braids.



Before you leave Lorien, you will take down every! single! one! of these posters and burn them. Haldir is advised to supervise this action. He recommended that I should send you to Mirkwood to count Orcs, but not even they deserve such company.

You're under house arrest - for the next 300 years.

Your most unamused father,
